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Archon to ArchivesSpace Migration

Josh developed scripts to fix issues with the Archon-to-ArchivesSpace migration tool. Errors occurred during the migration process when several large collections were simultaneously migrated. These issues caused the data to not properly transfer. Due to each collection migration taking approximately 12 hours to run, the full migration process took several months of troubleshooting with the migration tool. The final results are broken into two unique scripts, a before script and an after script.

The before script preps the Archon database by simplifying the transfer and removing some minor data issues before the migration tool causes the additional, more complicated data errors. Some Archon fields did not have data mapped in their correct fields, and some settings also needed to be changed in the backend before the tool could transfer the data to the properly mapped fields in ArchivesSpace.

The after script fixes issues in the ArchivesSpace database after the migration tool ran and caused a few new errors in the data transfer. Most of the errors are additional text added to existing fields in ArchivesSpace that do not exist in Archon. This caused a few incorrectly mapped fields, in which data did not get to where it is supposed to be.

Josh successfully planned, strategized, and resolved all data migration errors through communication, troubleshooting, and script-writing. The Library Collections data has been successfully migrated from Archon to ArchivesSpace.

Library Special Collections | San Diego State University