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Archon Support Beyond End-of-Life

Josh patched Archon for the library after Archon reached end-of-life. Archon is an award-winning software for archivists and manuscript curators. Archon is no longer supported by its creator, the University of Illinois, and so regular patching is needed to maintain web application security.

Josh patched Archon regularly and sustained web application security while also orchestrating the migration from Archon to ArchivesSpace. Archon only provides PHP support up to PHP v5.6. Josh sought a community GitHub repository that intended to make Archon PHP v7.x ready, but the community had since disbanded. Fortunately, the repo provided a great start toward this endeavor and so Josh continued to work through the application errors until he established a working PHP v7.1 Archon instance.

Josh patched XSS vulnerabilities in Archon while the migration to ArchivesSpace was underway.

Library Special Collections | San Diego State University