After a year of thinking of nothing but the health of my family, myself, and my world, I cannot help but continue thinking about it going forward. My brain is screaming, “PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE UNKNOWN!” Who knows what tomorrow will bring as we age and matriculate through life. I am not saying that we should fear what tomorrow brings, but it is smart to do our best to be physiologically prepared.

My husband and I now exercise regularly, pushing ourselves to be increasingly more active. We like taking brisk walks and have conquered may impressive hills behind our home. We are now in good enough shape to take on the really steep hills we once thought impossible. What once felt like a mountain, is now practically a mole hill! The first time we took on the big hill, we got half way up and had to stop. My legs were shaking— and for the next days, they were sure burning good!

In the moment, I thought, “It is not possible to get to the top, my body cannot handle it.” So we went back down and continued around the foothills. We have since overcome that steep incline and it feels like nothing. My legs do not burn with rage anymore traversing most hills. Now, we eagerly take on the big hills again and again, and we push ourselves to the summit. My legs and lungs still sometimes scream at me, but it feels so satisfying when I make it to the top and turn around to take in the full view of my accomplishment.

It takes my breath away— literally sometimes— but figuratively, my body is getting healthier and even more prepared to take on life’s challenges. We will soon tackle the precipice three times per walk. I think we are getting to a great place health-wise now and we are discovering a lot of new things together in life. I cannot wait to see what we find to accomplish next!