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Application Feature
Custom Solution
Database Architecture
PHP Development
Web Design

HR Data to Alma Ingest Script

Josh developed the script to process HR Faculty/Staff data into an XML ingest for Alma. Josh utilized a cronjob to run the script, nightly, checking for any changes the HR system has posted. The HR system posts a daily CSV file with changes. The script...
Acalog CSV to Omni Update XML Custom Script

Acalog CSV to Omni Update XML Custom Script

Josh developed a custom PHP script for Enrollment Services. Enrollment Services approached Josh, requesting he automate the process of taking data from Acalog and using it for the program finder feature on SDSU’s main website. The program finder requires an XML file with specific fields...

Archon to ArchivesSpace Migration

Josh developed scripts to fix issues with the Archon-to-ArchivesSpace migration tool. Errors occurred during the migration process when several large collections were simultaneously migrated. These issues caused the data to not properly transfer. Due to each collection migration taking approximately 12 hours to run, the...
Stump’d Politics

Stump’d Politics

Josh developed the backend for The website content is created by an independent blogger. This WordPress-driven website allows the owner to post articles and other political content for viewer enjoyment and engagement.
Alma to Bursar Patron Fees Processor

Alma to Bursar Patron Fees Processor

Josh developed the Alma script to process patron fees into the Bursar for collection. Josh utilized a cronjob to run the script, nightly, checking Alma for library fees. Alma publishes a daily CSV file. The script captures the data from the CSV file and transforms...
Archon Support Beyond End-of-Life

Archon Support Beyond End-of-Life

Josh patched Archon for the library after Archon reached end-of-life. Archon is an award-winning software for archivists and manuscript curators. Archon is no longer supported by its creator, the University of Illinois, and so regular patching is needed to maintain web application security. Josh patched...

WordPress Multisite

Josh developed and maintains a WordPress Multisite instance for Academic Affairs to run the department’s many individual sites. Each Academic Affairs site administrator is in charge of their own site content. Josh is responsible for all site maintenance, technical development, and general support. As of...

Schedule of Classes

Josh developed the back-end of Valdosta State University’s “Schedule of Classes” page using PHP and MySQL. He scripted a cronjob to check Banner (an Oracle database), hourly, for new information regarding classes offered during a specific or up-coming academic term. Any changes are stored in...

Majors & Degrees Search

Josh developed the back-end web for Valdosta State University’s “Majors and Degrees Search” in PHP and MySQL. Administrators can log-in to the back-end portal to create, read, update, and delete programs offered by Valdosta State University. This allows the site access to a database of...

Meet Your Counselor

Josh developed the back-end for Valdosta State University’s “Meet Your Counselor” page and module using PHP and MySQL. Administrators can now log-in to the back-end portal to create, read, update, and delete student counselors and/or the territories they counsel as needed. This page allows the...

Clery Report

Josh developed the back-end for Valdosta State University’s “Clery Report” in PHP and MySQL. Administrators can log-in to the back-end portal to create, read, update, and delete reported crime incidents. There was previously an on-going concern that incidents were being recorded on paper during police...

Tuition & Fee Calculator

Josh developed the back-end for Valdosta State University’s “Tuition and Fee Calculator” in PHP and MySQL. Administrators can now log-in to the back-end portal to create, read, update, and delete tuition and fee charges in real time. This tool allows the VSU site access to...

Campus Directory

Josh developed the back-end for Valdosta State University’s “Campus Directory” in PHP and MySQL. Campus department administrators can now create, read, update, and delete faculty and staff members within Cascade Server, the web service’s content management system (CMS). Josh created a script to pull these...


Marcus Ray, CEO at Circuitboard Computers and Technology, Inc. (CBCT), wanted a cloud-based system that would cut down on the time spent searching for documents. Like many small business owners, Marcus said it took him “hours to locate documents from a year ago among messy...

Josh developed the website for the professional writer, Tyler Martin, M.Ed. Josh has worked regularly with the owner by curating website development and regular site maintenance since 2017. is a WordPress-driven website, where the owner showcases his professional skillset and services for potential...