Happy New Year! And please let that salutation stand for all of us! We need a happy- new- year! So let’s get this party started. How was your holiday season? I hope that it was exponentially better than last year. With any luck, you got to experience holiday parties with friends and family again. Perhaps you even traveled? Whatever you did, and with whomever you shared the season with or not, I hope 2022 has found you healthy, happy, and in high spirits!

My goals for last year were to hit the road and drive cross-country to reunite with family, continue evolving myself toward better wellness, and to blog here more consistently. I am very proud to report that I succeeded in all three! In July, my husband and I drove to Indiana to see his family, and then we drove down to Georgia after that to visit mine! We found our permanent primary care physician here in San Diego this year and we have continued evolving our eating habits and dietary choices. And the last goal speaks for itself as you may click through and read all of my wonderful 2021 blog posts! Enjoy!

This year, I plan to continue focusing on mine and my husband’s health as we rocket into our future together. I want us to be as healthy as possible, so this year I want to step up our exercise routines. Look for more to come on that. I also want to travel more. My brother-in-law is getting married this summer, so I know that we will travel to Indiana again. But by plane or car? I would also like to travel up Highway 101 and experience the West Coast and drive into British Columbia, Canada. I want us to really experience the West Coast and also get to experience some of Canada for the first time. Fingers crossed!

Professionally, I plan to take time to learn more about AI and what all I can do to implement it into my own coding practices. What all can this technology do to make the Library webspace more secure, efficient, and user friendly? I am going to find out! This technology is going to expand a lot of possibilities in the future, so I am very excited to learn what all I can do with it.

For gaming, I would like to try out different VR headsets. I want to see what all is out there and how far it all has come along since the last time that I took a look at this technology.

What about you? What are your plans for the new year?

Whatever you do, I hope that you do it outstanding in 2022!