Don’t be afraid to take risks in life. Do you find yourself stuck in the same unfulfilling routine? Are you going through the same daily motions, putting in 110% but no longer getting exciting results? Break the insanity! Seek something new. Find a better life.

If I had not sought new job opportunities and accepted a position that moved me across the country, sure I would have saved myself money and short-term discomfort. But my income would still be significantly below the national average, prospects for my career advancement would still be bleak, and I would still feel deflated wondering what more I can do to make things better. Do not do that to yourself. Pursue your happiness instead!

San Diego is a tropical, mountain paradise within a desert. I have never seen any place like it. It is also an oasis for cultural exploration and enrichment. A short walk through Balboa Park will give you a taste of San Diego. Sometimes literally with restaurant cuisines from all over the city, whose recipes aspire from all over the world. Sometimes with conventions that showcase sub-cultures within umbrella cultures that share the intricacies of being human. No matter whose booth you visit in the square, you are greeted with warmth and appreciation. And that’s just the city’s main park.

Moving across the country is the best thing I have ever done! I am happier in general. It may be the warmth from the sunlight that never sees a cloud, the many beach trips, park explorations and other outdoor adventures I take with my family, or perhaps it is the auspicious hills and mountainous terrain with zany palm trees that act as an astonishing backdrop to my new life. So, take the risk and make that change! I did, and I must say that my new journey is a life I never want to leave.