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My Year of Firsts

This has been an incredible year of firsts for me! As of May 18th, I have been in San Diego, California, for a full calendar year. Time has flown by! They say it does that when you are having fun. I believe them. It feels…

My First Jury Duty

Nobody likes jury duty. I wonder why? When I received my jury duty summons— part of me was curious— but I was mostly annoyed. Of course we are culturally conditioned to react to jury duty with disdain, but it being my first time, I did…

Kingdom Hearts 3 Review

Kingdom Hearts is infamous for its convoluted timeline and extraordinary story. The franchise is designed painstakingly to take players on a journey as mind-boggling and wondrous as its universe that ties together decades of Disney and Final Fantasy themes and characters. Here are a few…

What’s Your Hobby?

It is important to find a balance between work and play in our lives. Since everything today is quick-paced, we easily forget how important something simple is like having a hobby. Per a Gallup Lifestyle poll of American workers, only 40% of respondents believe they…

Hello 2019

Happy New Year! It’s over folks! The holidays have come and gone. I hope that everyone had safe travels filled with fun times, tender memories, scrumptious food, and some well-deserved relaxation. With that said, winter break is officially over and it is now full steam…