In light of it being awards season, I would like to give a shout-out to what I have found to be the “Best WordPress Hosting” company.

Website hosting is getting crazy with all of the different companies out there that promise this, that, and the world yet deliver bupkis, butkis, and crap. As a small business, I have learned that shared hosting is a scam and it is onerous to find a dedicated web hosting provider that does not put a hurting on the wallet. I run WordPress Multisite and it is not very resource intensive. I am not asking for a lot, but I do demand my sites to operate smoothly— especially for my customers!

Luckily, I have found a wonderful company that does dedicated hosting for WordPress Multisite very well: WPMU DEV. WPMU DEV is one of the best and, amazingly, one of the most cost-effective dedicated hosting providers I have ever worked with. I have been using their plugin suite for years and their support is always superb! It was so easy to migrate to their server.

WPMU DEV costs me $49 per month, and that includes all of their premium plugins, their Silver-plan dedicated server, unlimited sites on my Multisite install, 24/7 support (I have used it and I am impressed!), and there is no contract. My site clocks faster than when it was on my previous hosting service. My previous service cost me a lot more and it had very poor customer support (A2 Hosting is a nightmare and I do not recommend it to anyone). And to top it off, it scales well, too. When I outgrow the Silver-plan and I have to evolve into the Gold-plan, it will only cost me an additional $20 per month.

WPMU DEV gets the Best WordPress Hosting award. I recommend WPMU DEV to everyone who is hosting WordPress and especially to those hosting Multisite. They make hosting and migration super easy and super affordable.