2020 is finally over and so many people are so excited to leave it behind, myself included! The past year was an emotional rollercoaster for the entire world. Albeit this is normally the least fun time of the year because the winter season drains my motivational energy, winter during a pandemic and lockdown is a whole new level of seasonal blah!

I am very thankful that 2021 is here, and hopefully it will be a much better year for all of us! I am ready to get back to socializing and experiencing more to life than just working, eating, and sleeping from home. The vaccine is coming out soon and I cannot wait to take it! I want to be able to go out amongst the people again without worry of getting sick and. . .or worse! I want 2021 to be the year of adventure. I imagine that will probably not be realistic until summer, but I have my fingers crossed!

I am happy to be writing again. I enjoy reflecting and exploring my creative side. It helps me defragment my days and recognize things I may have missed in real time. A New Year’s resolution this year is to get back into the habit of writing articles each month. I want better for this year. So I am going to make better happen! Let’s go!